In the Gomiya block, under the Chatarochatti Panchayat, the solar plant initiated by the Bokaro district administration is proving to be a boon for farmers. Apart from regular gardening, the solar system installed for agricultural development has brought greenery to the fields of mango orchards and paddy cultivation. According to sources, 15 acres of mango orchards have been cultivated in the Chatarochatti Panchayat. In this plot, 15 villagers have collectively initiated mango cultivation. Farmers were facing considerable difficulties in arranging water for irrigation in this orchard. Being located in the foothills, water scarcity was a significant challenge.
District Council Funds Allocated for Motor and Solar Plant
Regarding this issue faced by the villagers, the Panchayat head, Mahadev Mahato, informed the Block Development Officer Kapil Kumar. As soon as the information was received, BDO Kapil Kumar drew the attention of the Bokaro district administration to ensure a reasonable arrangement for water supply. Following the directions of the district administration, a motor and solar plant were installed with district council funds near a pond at a distance of about one thousand feet from mango orchards. This installation, including the motor and solar plant, cost approximately 7 lakh rupees and was implemented under the Solar Irrigation Scheme for the fiscal year 2022-23. This was done to address the problems faced by the farmers, and with the installation of the motor and solar system, bringing water to the mango orchards became more accessible. When the farmers require water, they can operate the water pump.
Bokaro Solar Plant – More Profit with Low Cost
Now, with a consistent and adequate water supply, the Kumhaliye plants have started to show greenery, and the crops are growing better. Along with mango orchards, farmers have also begun cultivating rice on 50 acres of land, which is proving to be beneficial for them. It’s worth mentioning that the implementation of this project was supervised by District Engineer Hari Das and Executive Engineer Arun Kumar after an on-site inspection. Local residents in the area have stated that many farmers are benefiting from this low-cost scheme. It is essential for the district administration to investigate and introduce similar plans in the agricultural multi-zone of the block, so that the rural residents and farmers in the region can benefit even more.